Leadership Council

San Mateo County Dental Society encourages all our members to get involved in leadership. We have several Executive Board positions, Leadership Council positions, and task forces to suit many different interests. Time commitments vary by position and task force, and SMCDS makes every effort to ensure the time spent volunteering for one of our Executive Board positions is meaningful and rewarding.

Executive Board: The Executive Board (Board) is made up of the five officers of the Society (President, President-Elect, Treasurer/Secretary, Immediate Past President, and BCR Representative) and includes as ex officio members, without the right to vote financial guardian and the Executive Director. The Board, as representatives of the membership at large, are responsible for evaluating issues facing the Society, offering their input, and participating in the decision-making process. The Board is the authoritative managing body, establishes policy for the Society, working through a task force/committee system. The Board meets at least eight times each year, usually January, February, March, April, May, September, October and November. Board retreats will be hosted in December. Special meetings may be called as needed by the President. The President shall call such meetings of the Board as the business of the corporation may require. 3 Board members shall constitute a quorum of any duly called meeting.

Leadership Council: The Leadership Council (LC) shall be made up of general members who are interested in leadership of the Society. LC members will participate in meetings and task forces as appointed by the President. All records, findings, computations, and reports of each task force shall remain the property of the Society. The LC shall meet January, March, May, September, and December.


Leadership Council


Summary Description

The Leadership Council (LC), as representatives of the membership at large are responsible for evaluating issues facing the Society, offering their input, and participating in the decision-making process.

Specific Responsibilities  

  1. Attend all LC meetings. In accordance with the Bylaws, if any member of the Board members misses 25% or more of the LC meetings in any calendar year, unless excused in each case by the President, his/her office must be declared vacant. Positions will be declared vacant at the first regular Board meeting after which the disqualifying default in attendance occurred. Vacant positions will be filled by the President.
  2. Keep apprised of issues facing the Society and its members. Promote the views and decisions of the Board.
  3. Promote the Society's activities, services, and programs.
  4. Attend Society sponsored programs.
  5. Serve on a task force/committee designated by the President and act as Board liaison to that task force/committee to monitor goals, budget, and achievements.


    Meeting Schedule

    LC members shall attend and participate in all LC meetings. LC members shall also attend other Society functions (i.e., General Membership Meetings, Special Programs, New Member Recruitment functions, State Meetings etc.) as scheduled.     

    Level of Commitment

    LC members are expected to attend and participate in LC meetings, unless an emergency prevents his/her attendance. As a task force/committee liaison, each is expected to make monthly reports to the LC regarding respective task force/committee activities (while monitoring established task force/committee goals). LC members are also expected to be knowledgeable about all of the issues facing the Society promote the views and decisions of the Board (among members and the community at large).




    Summary Description

    A delegate serves as the official representative of SMCDS to the CDA House of Delegates. Their primary role as delegate is to make decisions that are in the best interest of the California Dental Association.

    A delegate should sample and gather information from SMCDS members and other practicing dental and auxiliary health care professionals regarding their concerns about the delivery of care within their practices, community, state and nation.


    A delegate is required to attend all local and regional caucus meetings prior to the meeting of the House. Attendance and participation at the House, held in the fall is mandatory. A delegate must be able to travel as needed. Knowledge of current issues and the competing positions regarding issues that will be debated at the CDA House is also essential. A delegate should be willing to implement knowledge-based learning practices to reach informed opinions. A delegate should be well read on the current issues facing dentistry, should be well informed regarding resolutions and the needs of SMCDS membership. Some reading and research may be necessary to reach informed conclusions. An understanding of parliamentary procedure and the purpose of healthy debate will be expected. An understanding of the purpose of the representative policy making and teamwork is necessary to provide effective representation of the organization.

    The nominees for Delegates to the CDA House of Delegates should have some or all of the characteristics listed below: 

    Specific Skills

        - Should have good verbal/presentation and communication skills

        - Ability to review and research information

        - Availability to build relationships with other leaders in support of issues

        - Application of Parliamentary procedure    


    Staff Support

    Clerical support is provided by SMCDS and CDA staff.


    Meeting Schedule

    All caucus meetings and the House are held yearly in the fall; dates and times to be determined. Upon acceptance of the nomination, attendance is mandatory for all HOD events, caucuses and meetings.

    • Nor Cal Caucus (in Sacramento) – dinner
    • SMCDS Caucus
    • 2 Full days of the HOD (Every other year in Sacramento alternating with Southern California

      Task Forces, Liaisons, Special Projects, Events and Workgroups – These are committees appointed by the President and approved by the Board. These special committees perform tasks related to a specific Society event or project. Their existence as a special committee shall be determined by the budget and the Board and can terminate once the project/event is over.



      • Task force is assigned a task;
      • Gathers information only;
      • Approved each year by Board in alignment with strategic plan
      • Reports back to Board regularly on status of project;
      • Membership of task force

        a. Only members- Dentists and DHP

        b. Experts can be invited for consultation; testimony; then dismissed

        c. President appoints the chair of the Task Force (can be any SMCDS member)

        d. Minutes / notes/ reports will be kept and submitted to the Board for review

        e. NO ACTION to be taken by task force without Board affirmation

        f. Date set for deadline and final report to the Board